GreenSong Community

Mar 12, 20202 min

Self Care in These Trying Times

Many folks have asked me what I am doing to be ready for the Coronavirus and how am I dealing with this threat. My answer is both simple and complicated because with viruses I believe in a 3-S way of dealing with this virus, "Shield, Sword, and Stand."

Shield: My shield is made up of of washing my hands and immunity boosting herbs, like elderberries, astragalus, codonopsis, lemon balm, vitamin C and D, and raw honey. My shield is fresh chemical free foods, sunshine, fresh air, laughter, gratitude, and my prayer filled energy field.

Sword: My sword is herbs like ginger, thyme, oregano, fresh garlic, Reishi mushrooms, elderflowers, chamomile, colloidal silver, yarrow, Cordyceps, and mullein to help alleviate the symptoms for when and if it strikes in my community or family. My sword is also my willingness to say no to anything that I choose not to be healthy. My sword is orgasms because orgasms boost your immune system, relieves stress, and it releases certain organic compounds within our bodies that are greatly beneficial for us in times like this. If y’all don’t have a clean safe partner it can be a DYI project.

Stand: My stand is my refusal to be afraid, but to be aware and cautious. My stand is the same as my ancestors when they faced invisible and seemingly indestructible monsters, to protect my loved ones as well as myself to the best of my abilities. My stand is to love this life and those who are in my life like tomorrow is not promised. My stand is fear will not dim my gratitude for this life experience, because I can not decide how and when my life will be over but I can decide how I embrace each day and every challenge.

This coronavirus is ancient yet new and it is not the only crisis our world is facing, but within every crisis we are given a dangerous opportunity to change and or recalibrate our lives. Let’s choose to face this monster with sacred love, understanding, compassion, wisdom, and remembering we are all in this together. So much love and so many prayers for health and blessings are being sent from my hearth to yours in these strange and stress filled times. Breathe beautiful souls for this too shall pass and together we can heal our world and our bodies and souls.🌱💕🦋

About the Author:

Debra is a Homesteader, a natural farmer, a family and community herbalist, mother of three, grandmother of nine, and a great grandmother to one. Now she teaches gardening, preserving the harvest, seed saving, along with her Women's Empowerment group and her individual coaching sessions 0n Healing ourselves and our generational trauma, Rewilding, Renewing, and Reclaiming our ancestral wisdoms to help us raise a healthier more loving future, and Wyldwood Wysdoms. Connect with her on Facebook at Wyldwood Herb and Farmacy, Wyldwood Wysdom FB group, The Apothecary at Wyldwood. Email:

